
Likelihood (LLH) Fit - 1D-Histogram

The underlying distribution for the Likelihood of a model to a histogram is the Poisson distribution. The evaluation of the likelihood of an model with a set of parameters on the data in form of a 1D-Histogram is implemented in this package.

Here, it is shown exemplary, how a model is defined and how it is fitted to a histogram.

1. The Data

The data will be in form of 1D-Histograms. In this example, the histogram is a small subhistogram around a peak in the uncalibrated spectrum of a germanium detector.

using Plots, RadiationSpectra, StatsBase, Distributions

h_uncal = RadiationSpectra.get_example_spectrum()
h_decon, peakpos = RadiationSpectra.peakfinder(h_uncal)

strongest_peak_bin_idx = StatsBase.binindex(h_uncal, peakpos[1])
strongest_peak_bin_width = StatsBase.binvolume(h_uncal, strongest_peak_bin_idx)
strongest_peak_bin_amplitude = h_uncal.weights[strongest_peak_bin_idx]

h_sub = RadiationSpectra.subhist(h_uncal, (peakpos[1] - strongest_peak_bin_width * 20, peakpos[1] + strongest_peak_bin_width * 20))

plot(h_sub, st=:step, size=(800,400));


2. User Defined Spectrum Density

Now we want to define the density, which we want to fit to the data.

It is a new struct which needs to be subtype of RadiationSpectra.UvSpectrumDensity{T}. Here, our model will be a Gaussian (signal) on top of flat offset (background):

struct CustomSpectrumDensity{T} <: RadiationSpectra.UvSpectrumDensity{T}

Also, a method for the this type for the function RadiationSpectra.evaluate(d::UvSpectrumDensity, x) has to be defined. Note, that these are supposed to be densities as the returned value are multiplied to the bin volume of the corresponding bin in the calculation of the likelihood.

function RadiationSpectra.evaluate(d::CustomSpectrumDensity, x)
    return d.A * pdf(Normal(d.μ, d.σ), x) + d.offset

The final step is to define a constructor for the model for a set of parameters. Here, the parameters are in form of NamedTuple, which is the recommended form. But, also a simple vector can be used. The package ValueShapes.jl is integrated into RadiationSpectra.jl. Also vectors or matrices can be used within NamedTuple's. Here, only scalars will be used:

function CustomSpectrumDensity(nt::NamedTuple{(:A,:μ,:σ,:offset)})
    T = promote_type(typeof.(values(nt))...)
    CustomSpectrumDensity(T(nt.A), T(nt.σ), T(nt.μ), T(nt.offset))

3. Set up Initial Guess and Bounds of the Parameters

Either a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) (default) or and bayesian fit can be performed. In the maximum likelihood fit the package Optim.jl is used to maximize the likelihood. The bayesian fit is performed via the BAT.jl package.

In order to perform the MLE an initial guess, lower bounds and upper bounds for the parameter have to be given:

p0 = (A = 4000.0, μ = 129500, σ = 500, offset = 100)
lower_bounds = (A = 0.0, μ = 128000, σ = 0.1, offset = 0)
upper_bounds = (A = 30000.0, μ = 131000, σ = 1000, offset = 500)

4. Perform the Fit

Now we are ready to perform the fit. The syntax follows the syntax of the fit function of StatsBase.jl and Distributions.jl: fit(::Type{Model}, data)::Model. Here, the Model will by our just defined model CustomSpectrumDensity and the data will be the histogram h_sub. Also the initial guess and bounds have to be parsed as additional arguments:

fitted_dens, backend_result = fit(CustomSpectrumDensity, h_sub, p0, lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
(Main.CustomSpectrumDensity{Float64}(16967.367532069315, 153.36554032640234, 129721.56234461254, 1.0601542604451988),  * Status: success (objective increased between iterations)

 * Candidate solution
    Final objective value:     2.767886e+02

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     Fminbox with BFGS

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 6.23e-11 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 4.77e-16 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 0.00e+00 ≤ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 0.00e+00 ≤ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 9.28e-09 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   1  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    5
    f(x) calls:    207
    ∇f(x) calls:   207

The first returned argument, fitted_dens, is an instance of CustomSpectrumDensity with the fitted parameters.

The second returned argument, backend_result, is, in case of a MLE fit, the returned object of the optimizer of Optim.jl used to perform the maximization of the likelihood. In case of a bayesian fit, via BAT.jl as fit backend, the second argument would be samples from BAT.jl.

5. Plot the fitted Density:

The package provides a simple plot recipe to plot the fitted density on top of the data through the defined evaluate method and the binning of the histogram:

plot(h_sub, st=:step, size=(800,400), label="Spectrum");
plot!(fitted_dens, h_sub, label = "Fit");


Optional: Fixen Parameters in the Fit

The package ValueShapes.jl can be used to set individual parameters constant in the fit by defining the shape of parameters. E.g.:

using ValueShapes
shape = NamedTupleShape(
    A = ScalarShape{Real}(),
    μ = ScalarShape{Real}(),
    σ = ScalarShape{Real}(),
    offset = ConstValueShape{Real}(p0.offset),
NamedTupleShape((A = ValueShapes.ScalarShape{Real}(), μ = ValueShapes.ScalarShape{Real}(), σ = ValueShapes.ScalarShape{Real}(), offset = ValueShapes.ConstValueShape{Real, true}(100)))

The shape has to be passed to the fit function:

fitted_dens, backend_result = fit(CustomSpectrumDensity, h_sub, p0, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, shape)
(Main.CustomSpectrumDensity{Float64}(14753.876169503232, 4.489123721191264, 129601.05579677207, 100.0),  * Status: success

 * Candidate solution
    Final objective value:     3.502304e+05

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     Fminbox with BFGS

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 2.05e+00 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 1.57e-05 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 0.00e+00 ≤ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 0.00e+00 ≤ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 0.00e+00 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   0  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    4
    f(x) calls:    204
    ∇f(x) calls:   204