Geant4 Support
SolidStateDetectors.jl provides an extension for Geant4.jl. The extension allows users to generate realistic event distributions resulting from particles emitted by a specified source, which could then in turn also be used as input for a waveform simulation.
To use the extension, both SolidStateDetectors
and Geant4
have to be loaded.
using SolidStateDetectors
using Geant4
In order to run Geant4 simulations, a Geant4.G4JLApplication
needs to be defined, which needs to include both the detector geometry and the particle source. The extension features a function that creates a Geant4.G4JLApplcation
object from a SSD Simulation
object and a particle source.
using Plots
using Unitful
Two types of particle source are pre-defined in SolidStateDetectors
1. MonoenergeticSource
This source emits particles with a fixed type and energy.
source_1 = MonoenergeticSource(
"gamma", # Type of particle beam
2.615u"MeV", # Energy of particle
CartesianPoint(0.065, 0., 0.05), # Location of the source
CartesianVector(-1,0,0), # Direction of the source
10u"°" # Opening angle of the source emission
MonoenergeticSource("gamma", 2.615 MeV, [0.065, 0.0, 0.05], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], 10°)
- The particle type is given as a string (e.g.
) and directly passed toGeant4
. See theGeant4
documentation on how to name the desired particle type. - The energy of the emitted particles is passed as a number with the required unit.
- The
of the particle source relative to the origin is defined by aCartesianPoint
(in units ofm
). - The source emits particles in a given
, specified by aCartesianVector
object. If the user provides no direction, the emission will be isotropic. - If an
is provided, the particles are emitted in a directed cone with the specified opening angle.
2. IsotopeSource
This source emits particles based on the radioactive decay chain of a given isotope.
source_2 = IsotopeSource(
82, # Number of protons
212, # Total number of nucleons
0.0, # Excitation energy
0.0, # Ion charge
CartesianPoint(0.06, 0, 0.05), # Location of the source
CartesianVector(-1,0,0), # Direction of the source
10u"°" # Opening angle of the source emission
IsotopeSource(82, 212, 0.0, 0.0, [0.06, 0.0, 0.05], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], 10°)
The source is defined using
- The number of protons
and the number of nucleonsA
in the isotope. - The excitation energy
- The charge of the isotope
- The position, direction and opening angle from the source can be defined in the same way as for a
The particle source can now be plotted together with the detector, as well as the direction in which particles are emitted.
T = Float32
sim = Simulation{T}(SSD_examples[:InvertedCoaxInCryostat])
plot(sim.detector, size = (500,500))
A Geant4.G4JLApplication
is built from a SSD Simulation
and one of the previously defined particle sources, e.g. source_1
Internally, the translated geometry description is written to a temporary GDML file. This file will in turn be read in by Geant4.jl
and deleted afterwards. However, if needed, the resulting GDML file can also be saved by using the Geant4.G4JLDetector(sim, "output_filename.gdml", save_gdml = true)
app = G4JLApplication(sim, source_1, verbose = false);
Having defined a G4JLApplication
, it is now possible to generate events using the run_geant4_simulation
function. The function will continue running until the desired number of energy depositions have been recorded.
N_events = 50000
events = run_geant4_simulation(app, N_events)
Table with 5 columns and 50000 rows:
evtno detno thit edep ⋯
1 │ 1 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
2 │ 2 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
3 │ 3 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
4 │ 4 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
5 │ 5 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
6 │ 6 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
7 │ 7 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
8 │ 8 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
9 │ 9 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
10 │ 10 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
11 │ 11 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
12 │ 12 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
13 │ 13 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
14 │ 14 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
15 │ 15 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
16 │ 16 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
17 │ 17 Int32[1, 1, 1, 1, 1… Quantity{Float32, 𝐓… Quantity{Float32, 𝐋… ⋯
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
Each entry of the table corresponds to one event and consists of five fields:
: Event numberdetno
: Index of the detector where the energy was depositedthit
: Time of the interactionedep
: Amount of energy that was deposited in the detectorpos
: Position where the interaction happened
By extracting the position of each energy deposition from events
, the spatial distribution of the events inside the detector can be visualized:
plot(sim.detector, show_passives = false, size = (500,500), fmt = :png)
plot!(CartesianPoint.(broadcast(p -> ustrip.(u"m", p), events[1:1000], ms = 0.5, msw = 0, color=:black, label = "")
The output of run_geant4_simulation
can be stored using the LegendHDF5IO
using LegendHDF5IO
lh5open("simulation_output.lh5", "w") do h
LegendHDF5IO.writedata(h.data_store, "SimulationData", events)
events_in = lh5open("simulation_output.lh5", "r") do h
LegendHDF5IO.readdata(h.data_store, "SimulationData")
In order to visualize the energy spectrum of the events in a histogram, the following code can be used:
using StatsBase
h = fit(Histogram, ustrip.(u"keV", sum.(events.edep)), Weights(fill(10,length(events.edep))), 0:10:3000)
plot(h, title = "Energy spectrum", bins = 500, yscale = :log10, st = :step, label = "")
xlims!(0,3000, xlabel = "E in keV", ylabel = "counts")
Now that a realistic event distribution has been generated, it can be used as input for the waveform simulation. To perform the waveform simulation, the detectors electric field and weighting potential have to be calculated first.
sim.detector = SolidStateDetector(sim.detector, ADLChargeDriftModel(T=T))
calculate_electric_potential!(sim, refinement_limits = [0.4,0.2,0.1,0.06], verbose = false)
calculate_electric_field!(sim, n_points_in_φ = 10)
calculate_weighting_potential!(sim, 1, refinement_limits = [0.4,0.2,0.1,0.06], verbose = false)
The previously generated events from the Geant4 simulation can now be used as input for the simulate_waveforms
wf = simulate_waveforms(events[1:100], sim, Δt = 1u"ns", max_nsteps = 2000)
plot(wf[1:20].waveform, label = "")
[ Info: Detector has 2 contacts
[ Info: Table has 100 physics events (4576 single charge depositions).
Progress: 2%|▉ | ETA: 0:02:23
Progress: 19%|███████▊ | ETA: 0:00:16
Progress: 35%|██████████████▍ | ETA: 0:00:09
Progress: 54%|██████████████████████▏ | ETA: 0:00:05
Progress: 67%|███████████████████████████▌ | ETA: 0:00:03
Progress: 84%|██████████████████████████████████▌ | ETA: 0:00:01
Progress: 99%|████████████████████████████████████████▋| ETA: 0:00:00
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:07
[ Info: Generating waveforms...
We can add some baseline and tail to the pulses to match their lengths (in this case to 2000ns):
w = add_baseline_and_extend_tail.(wf.waveform, 100, 2000)
plot(w[1:20], label = "")
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