Electric Potential

The electric potential is given by Gauss' law in matter

\[\nabla \left( \epsilon_r(\vec{r}) \nabla \Phi(\vec{r})\right) = - \dfrac{\rho(\vec{r})}{\epsilon_0}\,,\]

where $\Phi$ is the electric potential, $\rho$ is the charge density, $\epsilon_r$ is the dielectric distribution and $\epsilon_0$ is the dielectric constant of the vacuum.

Simulation Algorithm

The electric potential is calculated through successive over relaxation when calling calculate_electric_potential!(sim). The equation is numerically solved on a three-dimensional adaptive red/black grid. The red/black division allows for multithreading and the adaptive grid saves computation time since it only increases the grid point density in areas where it is critical. To use multiple threads for the simulation, the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS must be set before Julia is started. In case of bash this is done through


The electric potential can be calculated on GPUs. See GPU Support in Field Calculations.

At the beginning of the simulation, each grid point, $(i,j,k)$ is assigned its dielectric constant, $\epsilon_r(\vec{r}_{i,j,k})$, as well as its effective charge, $Q_\text{eff} = \rho(\vec{r}_{i,j,k}) \cdot V_{i,j,k} / \epsilon_0$, where $V_{i,j,k}$ is the volume assigned to the grid point $(i,j,k)$.

These quantities are stored in the fields sim.q_eff_imp and sim.ϵ_r and can be plotted using

using SolidStateDetectors
using Plots 
sim = Simulation(SSD_examples[:InvertedCoax])
apply_initial_state!(sim, ElectricPotential)

Impurity Densities

One contribution to the charge density $\rho(\vec{r})$ is the impurity density of the semiconductor of a detector. Some simple impurity density profiles are already implemented in SolidStateDetectors.jl and can be easily accessed in the configuration files. Note that all impurity densities are given in units of atoms / particles per volume.

Sign of the impurity density

The sign of the impurity density determines whether the semiconductor is p-type or n-type.

p-type region <-> negative sign: Holes are the majority carriers and are free to move and diffuse into the n-type region. Electrons are fixed in the lattice. Thus, a negative fixed space charge density is left behind in the depleted p-type region.

n-type region <-> positive sign: Electrons are the majority carriers and are free to move and diffuse into the p-type region. Holes are fixed in the lattice. Thus, a positive fixed space charge density is left behind in the depleted n-type region.

Constant Impurity Density

A constant impurity density throughout the detector volume can be modeled with ConstantImpurityDensity. In the configuration files, constant impurity densities are defined with the value of the constant impurity density, i.e.

  name: constant
  value: 1e10cm^-3 # => 10¹⁶ m⁻³

If no units are given, value is interpreted in units of units.length$^{-3}$. They are converted to SI units (m$^{-3}$) internally.

Linear Impurity Density

An impurity density with a linear gradient can be modeled with LinearImpurityDensity. In the configuration files, linear impurity densities are defined with an init (initial) value and gradient along each Cartesian direction (x, y and z), e.g.

  name: linear
    init: 1e10cm^-3
    gradient: 1e10cm^-4


  name: linear
    init: 0
    gradient: 1e10
    init: 0
    gradient: 1e10

In the first example, the init value corresponds to the value at z = 0 whereas the gradient points towards positive z. In the second example, the impurity density is 0 at the origin of the coordinate system, whereas the gradient of the impurity density profile points in $\langle101\rangle$ direction. If no units are given, init is parsed in units of units.length$^{-3}$ and gradient in units of units.length$^{-4}$.

Cylindrical Impurity Density

An impurity density with a radial gradient can be modeled with CylindricalImpurityDensity. In the configuration files, cylindrical impurity densities are defined with an init (initial) value and gradient along each cylindrical spatial direction (r and z), e.g.

  name: cylindrical
    init: 1e10cm^-3
    gradient: 1e10cm^-4

Here, the impurity density at the origin is $10^{10}$cm$^{-3}$ and it increases radially with the gradient $10^{10}$cm$^{-4}$. If no units are given, init is parsed in units of units.length$^{-3}$ and gradient in units of units.length$^{-4}$.

Custom Impurity Density

The source code for the previously introduced impurity densities can be found here. More complex impurity density profiles can be defined by the user. Each custom impurity density is a new struct and subtype of SolidStateDetectors.AbstractImpurityDensity and needs a method SolidStateDetectors.get_impurity_density that returns the impurity density at a given point pt.

Example 1: Radially Oscillating Impurity Density

using SolidStateDetectors: AbstractChargeDensity, CartesianVector, AbstractCoordinatePoint
import SolidStateDetectors: get_impurity_density

# new struct for translated impurity densities
struct OscillatingImpurityDensity{T} <: AbstractImpurityDensity{T}

# add get_charge_density for the newly defined charge density model
function SolidStateDetectors.get_impurity_density(ocdm::OscillatingImpurityDensity{T}, pt::AbstractCoordinatePoint{T})::T where {T}
    cyl_pt = CylindricalPoint(pt) # convert point to a CylindricalPoint
    return ocdm.offset + ocdm.amplitude * sin(2π * cyl_pt.r / ocdm.wavelength)

Example 2: Translating Existing Impurity Densities

using SolidStateDetectors: AbstractImpurityDensity, CartesianVector, AbstractCoordinatePoint
import SolidStateDetectors: get_impurity_density

# new struct for translated impurity densities
struct TranslatedImpurityDensity{T} <: AbstractImpurityDensity{T}

# add get_impurity_density for the newly defined impurity density model
function SolidStateDetectors.get_impurity_density(tcdm::TranslatedImpurityDensity{T}, pt::AbstractCoordinatePoint{T})::T where {T}
    translated_pt::CartesianPoint{T} = CartesianPoint(pt) - tcdm.translate
    return get_impurity_density(tcdm.impurity_density_model, translated_pt)

Example 3: P-N Junction

Have a look at Advanced Example: Custom Impurity Profile.

Charge Densities

Another contribution to the charge density $\rho(\vec{r})$ can be charged surfaces or volumes that can be modeled using passive objects. The same profiles as for impurity densities are defined here that can be accessed similarly, i.e.

  name: constant
  value: 1e-10 # => 10⁻¹⁰ C/m³

Note that, in contrast to impurity densities, charge densities are given in units of the Coulomb per volume (instead of elementary charge per volume).