
In order to plot geometries or simulation results, the user will need to load the Plots.jl package.

First, we have to calculate something in order to demonstrate the plotting tools:

using Plots
using SolidStateDetectors
using Unitful

T = Float32
sim = Simulation{T}(SSD_examples[:InvertedCoax]);
simulate!(sim, convergence_limit = 1e-6, refinement_limits = [0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01]);

Besides the usual Plots.jl keywords settings, like size = (500, 500), there are some additional settings to tune the plots which are described in the following sections.

Detector Plots

The geometry of a detector, together with its environment, can be simply plotted via

det = sim.detector
plot(det, size = (500, 500))

Plot Styles

The style of the detector plot can be controlled via the seriestype keyword. There are 4 available styles for 3D plotting:

      plot(det, seriestype = :csg, title = ":csg"),
      plot(det, seriestype = :wireframe, title = ":wireframe"),
      plot(det, seriestype = :mesh3d, title = ":mesh3d"),
      plot(det, seriestype = :samplesurface, title = ":samplesurface",
            markersize = 1, n_samples = 50),
      layout = (1,4), size = (800,200), legend = false, ticks = false,
      guide = "", zlims = (-0.005,0.1), axis = false

To generate a 3D plot the seriestype can be set to :csg (default), :wireframe, :mesh3d, or :samplesurface. :csg plots a wireframe on top of a mesh (with no mesh grid lines). For fastest plotting use either :wireframe or :mesh3d and consider changing n_arc (see Optional Keywords).


:csg, :wireframe, and :mesh3d are all mesh-based. For geometries containing differences or intersections the recommended seriestype is :samplesurface which is marker-based. The marker density is set low by default for speed. For increased plot fidelity use n_samples above 100 and adjust the markersize.

Plotting the detector's semiconductor helps illustrate the difference between each seriestype.

      plot(det.semiconductor, seriestype = :csg, title = ":csg"),
      plot(det.semiconductor, seriestype = :wireframe, title = ":wireframe"),
      plot(det.semiconductor, seriestype = :mesh3d, title = ":mesh3d"),
      plot(det.semiconductor, seriestype = :samplesurface, title = ":samplesurface",
            markersize = 1, n_samples = 50),
      layout = (1,4), size = (800,200), legend = false, ticks = false,
      guide = "", zlims = (-0.005,0.1), axis = false

When using mesh-based seriestype's (:csg, :wireframe, :mesh3d), plots are produced by plotting whole primitives. Thus, usually, nicer plots are produced if the geometry consists only of unions of primitives and not differences or intersections. If the geometry contains differences, the resulting negative geometries are plotted with thinner wireframe lines and/or with semi-transparent white mesh faces depending on the seriestype used.

For 2D plotting, use seriestype = :slice. Like :samplesurface, :slice is marker based and will respond to all marker keywords like markersize. As the seriestype implies, a slice of the detector is plotted. To select the slice value use the x, y or z or φ keywords.

    plot(det, st = :slice, x = 2u"mm"),
    plot(det, st = :slice, y = 20u"mm", c = :black),
    plot(det, st = :slice, z = 0u"mm"),
    plot(det, st = :slice, φ = 90u"°", lw = 3),
    layout = (1,4), size = (800,200), legend = false

seriestype = :slice has all the advantages of :samplesurface but with much greater fidelity and speed.


For seriestype = :slice, markersize and linewidth (or their abbreviations ms and lw) can be used interchangeably. For very small markersize, consider increasing n_samples. This seriestype is particularly useful for showing contacts over potentials. See examples in Scalar Potential Plots

How does the plot recipe work?

The detector consists of a semiconductor, det.semiconductor, its contacts, det.contacts, and its surrounding objects, det.passives. By default (see Optional Keywords), only the contacts and the surrounding objects are plotted and the color of the contact primitives is defined internally through their id.

Components can also be plotted individually for enhanced style handling. Additionally, the units of the axes are set by calling a plot command with units beforehand.

plot(u"cm", u"cm", u"cm")
plot!(det.semiconductor, st = :samplesurface, n_samples = 100, markersize = 2,
      camera = (40, 55), size = (500, 500))
plot!(det.contacts[1], st = :mesh3d, linewidth = 0.5, fillcolor = :white)
plot!(det.contacts[2], st = :wireframe, n_vert_lines = 5)

Optional Keywords

  • show_semiconductor: Will display the semiconductor if set to true. Default is false.
  • show_passives: Will display the objects surrounding the detector if set to true. Default is true.
  • seriestype: Can be :csg (default), :wireframe, :mesh3d, :samplesurface or :slice.
  • linewidth: Sets the line width of the edges of the mesh gridlines when using seriestype = :mesh3d. When using seriestype = :csg or seriestype = :wireframe, linewidth sets the line width of the wireframe. For seriestype = :slice, linewidth sets the markersize.
  • linecolor: Sets the line color of the edges of the mesh gridlines when using seriestype = :mesh3d. When using seriestype = :csg or seriestype = :wireframe, linecolor sets the line color of the wireframe.
  • fillcolor: Sets the face color of all faces of the mesh.
  • fillalpha: Sets the alpha value of all faces of the mesh.
  • markercolor: Sets the marker color.
  • markersize: Sets the marker size. The default markersize is 3 and 1 for :samplesurface and :slice respectively.
  • markeralpha: Sets the alpha value for markers.
  • n_arc: Controls the discretization of curved objects in a mesh. Each full ellipse is divided into n_arc segments. Partial ellipses are drawn with a proportional number (n_arc*f with f<1) of segments.n_arc = 40 is the default value. Smaller n_arc values will result in faster plotting, specially if the geometry contains tori or ellipsoids.
  • n_vert_lines: Controls the number of wireframe "vertical" lines in a mesh. n_vert_lines = 2 is the default value. A maximum of n_arc*f vertical lines can be drawn on each curved object. This keyword is ignored by polygons.
  • n_samples: Controls the marker density. n_samples = 40 is the default value for :samplesurface. For :slice the default value is set dynamically to 100 or 200. Reduce this value for faster plotting. Consider increasing markersize and/or markeralpha to compensate for the visual impact of lower marker densities. Note that the marker density is intended to be even across all dimensions. Therefore, visual distortions will occur if the aspect ratio of the axes is far from unity.
  • x,y,z,φ: In combination with seriestype = :slice selects the slice to be plotted.
  • full_det: For φ slices determines if the cross section in φ is extended to "negative" r. Default value is false.
  • projection: (or proj) Determines if z slices will be shown in a :polar projection. Default value is :none.

Scalar Potential Plots

When calculating the electric potential, a set of scalar potentials are stored in the Simulation object, e.g. sim.electric_potential, sim.point_types, and sim.q_eff_imp. SolidStateDetectors.jl has plot recipes for these scalar potentials.

plot(sim.electric_potential, φ = 0)
plot!(sim.detector, st = :slice, φ = 0, legendfontsize = 4)

There are several keyword arguments that can be passed to adjust the potential plots. First, the simulated potentials are simulated on a three-dimensional Grid, but the plots will always be a two-dimensional cross section (for a CylindricalGrid at constant r, φ or z, for a CartesianGrid3D at constant x, y or z). The cross section can be specified in the plot command. A cross section of the ElectricPotential at z = 30mm can be plotted via

plot(sim.electric_potential, z = 30u"mm")
plot!(det, st = :slice, z = 30u"mm", proj = :polar, lw = 2)

Only plot the detector over scalar potentials with seriestype = :slice. When plotting the detector over a polar projection of the potential (such as above), proj = :polar must be selected in the detector plot.

In addition to all plot attributes that are implemented in Plots.jl, plots of scalar potentials can take two additional keyword arguments, contours_equal_potential and full_det, which both are of type Bool:

  • contours_equal_potential: If this set to true, the plot will additionally display contour lines at points with equal potential value.
  • full_det: By default, cross sections in φ are only displayed for positive radii r. If full_det is set to true, cross sections in φ are also extended to "negative" r, by additionally plotting the potential values at φ + 180° on the left side of the plot.
plot( sim.electric_potential, φ = 30u"°",
      contours_equal_potential = true, full_det = true,
      linecolor = :white, levels = 34)

Electric Field Plots

The magnitude of the electric field can be plotted using the same syntax as Scalar Potential Plots.

plot(sim.electric_field, full_det = true, clims = (0, 5e5))

In addition, SolidStateDetectors.jl offers the possibilities to plot electric field lines via plot_electric_fieldlines. This is done by spawning charges close to the surface of the contacts and simulating their drift parallel to the electric field, using ElectricFieldChargeDriftModel.

plot_electric_fieldlines!(sim, full_det = true)

In addition to all plot attributes that are implemented in Plots.jl, the syntax for specifying the cross section and full_det (see Scalar Potential Plots), the plot recipe for electric field lines can additionally understand the following arguments to tune the plot.

  • sampling: Specifies the steps at which the contacts are sampled to generate equally spaced charges at the surface. The default is 2u"mm", but the optimal value depends on the geometry of the detector and contacts. If no unit is given, sampling is interpreted in units of meter.
  • offset: The charges are created on the surface and have to be moved slightly inside the semiconductor to be able to drift (charges that are in the contacts will not drift). This keyword defines how much the charges will be moved inside along the normal vector of the surface. The default is 0.5u"mm", but the optimal value again depends on the detector geometry. Unitless quantities are interpreted in units of meter.
  • skip_contact: Detectors will usually have positively and negatively biased contacts. The charges should only be spawned on either of them, but not both. This keyword defines which contact should be skipped in the charge spawn algorithm. Default is 1, i.e. that no charges will be spawned at the surface of contact with id = 1.
  • max_nsteps: After all, the generation of electric field lines is based on the charge drift code, which requires a maximum number of steps, which is set to 5000 by default here. If the drift ends before the charges reach a contact, the electric field line will not be fully displayed. In this case, it is recommended to increase max_nsteps.

In case the electric field line plots do not look good, adjust sampling, offset and max_nsteps until obtaining the desired result.

plot(sim.electric_field, full_det = true, size = (500,500), clims = (0,5e5))
plot_electric_fieldlines!(sim, full_det = true, sampling = 3u"mm", offset = 2u"mm")

Event Plots

SolidStateDetectors.jl also provides plot recipes to display charge drift paths resulting from simultaneous energy deposits in the semiconductor body of the detector. To simulate and plot an individual event, the Event struct is recommended.

evt = Event([CartesianPoint{T}(0.01,0.01,0.075)], [2u"MeV"])
simulate!(evt, sim)
plot(sim.detector, size = (500,500), label = "")

The drift path plots can be modified using the keywords implemented in Plots.jl. The units of the axes can be set by calling a plot command with units beforehand:

plot(u"mm", u"mm", u"mm")
plot!(sim.detector, size = (500,500), label = "")
plot!(evt.drift_paths, linewidth = 2, linestyle = :dash, markersize = 6)

There are also plot recipes for plotting the simulated waveforms of the Event:

plot(evt.waveforms, unitformat = :slash, label = "Contact ".*string.((1:2)'), legend = :topleft)

The length of the waveforms is given by the length of the charge drift. By default, no baseline and no tail are added to the waveforms. However, this might be desired in waveforms plots. The waveforms can be extended by calling add_baseline_and_extend_tail on the waveforms. Again, the units of the axes can be set by calling a plot command with units before plotting the waveforms.

plot(u"µs", u"fC")
      linewidth = 4, linestyle = :dash,
      label = "", unitformat = :slash)